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countrylas76, Auckland
mal_66054, Auckland
jade_71935, Hawkes Bay
richardd7450, Northland
bbdeluxe56, Auckland
mightbetheyear59, Canterbury
bigspark53, Auckland
kyle198thr341, Auckland
rotaryhowe57, Auckland
jono_39460, Wellington
jeewizz58, Auckland
erastos53, Wellington
blueychase_92951, Auckland
aksilverfox64, Auckland
milkho56, Waikato
antz_15441, Waikato
silentseeker35, Wellington
realntrue64, Bay of Plenty
scoobydoo12346, Hawkes Bay
stargazer28277, Wanganui
thisismatt40, Auckland
seafoxy67, Northland
cloud-strife34, Canterbury
cruiseychick6757, Waikato